HRM software allows you to manage and monitor key human resource tasks, including;
Administration (defining company structure‚ pay grades and other information)
Personal Information (employee related information‚ including personal information‚ detailed qualifications and work experience‚ job related information etc).
Reports (customize reports according to your needs with an appropriate report filing system).
Leave (defines the approval processes and information leave entitlement‚ balance‚ history etc. An electronic HRM system can significantly streamline all leave related procedures‚ eliminates paperwork and saves costs.)
Time and attendance (HRM software can enhance the organization’s performance by eliminating paperwork and manual processes associated with time and attendance needs)
Benefit (This HRM software allows businesses to manage employee medical and welfare records in one easily accessible location.)
Recruitment (procedures for staff recruitment‚ approval of vacancies‚ eligibility requirements‚ managing candidate’s information‚ short-listing‚ interview notes and other features).
Performance (simplifying the performance review process you can communicate the key performance indicators for each job title allowing the employees to understand and achieve your expectations).
To find out more about OrangeHRM click on the image above to go to the OrangeHRM website or view the YouTube video below on OrangeHRM features.
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